
Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Featured Story

This young woman is going to change the world. She started her own origami club, and her drive and passion are remarkable.

Featured Story

Long time Homan Square resident, George Dennis, shares his story with us and his memories of the community. 

" I remember when Sears was here and when Madison, and Roosevelt, 16th Street were all looking like downtown. There were picture-window stores in every neighborhood. And really you didn't have to come out of your community to shop for goods."

"I love [the Art Institute of Chicago]. It's very beautiful. And I particularly like Van Gogh and Renoir..."

Featured Story

Listen to young Cristiana Bennett's unmatched passion for art and learning! Cute overload.

Raquel: What do you like about math and reading?
Cristiana: It's so fun!

Featured Story

It is almost a sin that we waited this long to share our interview with Delicious D. She gives her opinions on her life, stand-up comedy, and dating younger men. She is absolutely hilarious! Here is the full interview--no edits, no cuts. We just left the mic on as she was signing the waiver.

"And I understand what Michael Jackson meant when he said that's the only place he could really be himself--when he came out on stage. And that was the only place--mmm--that I could really--ooh wow--I just came alive."